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한국의 전통 악기 - 대금 It is a traditional Korean wooden wind instrument. It is a musical instrument that blows a hole in a thick long bamboo and blows it horizontally. The player must play his / her head to the left, because it is played on the player's left shoulder. It is the only musical instrument that is played in this form throughout the East and the West. The length of Dae-Geum is over 80 cent…
Dowoomi | 05-02 | 20833
Today, I'm going to tell you about dos and don'ts in Korea!These are small tips when you travel Korea. 1. Take subways when you are travelling Seoul. In Seoul, there's always heavy traffic jam that you definitely don't want to waste your time on the road. So, I highly recommend using subways. In Seoul, it is more comfortable and puntual to take subways then other transportat…
Jiyoung | 04-29 | 18895
There are expressions for the tastes such as sweet, salty, and etc.Let's study basic taste expressions you can use in your daily life.1) 맵다 This is the basic form of expression for spicy.(Technically, it is not a taste, but you can express it as a flavor :) )ex) 떡볶이가 매워요. (떡볶이 is spicy.)2) 달다It means sweet.ex) 도너츠가 달다. (Donuts are sweet.)3) 짜다It means salty.ex) 감자튀김이 조금 짜요. (Fried potatoes are a…
Jiyoung | 04-18 | 16605
In English, there are expressions for counting various stuffs such as "a cup of.. / a slice of / a piece of ...etc."There are many ways to count different objects in Korean.▶ Counting people(사람)You count people with "명" ☞ 한 명, 두 명, 세 명...Q. BTS 멤버는 몇 명이에요?A. 모두 일곱 명이에요.▶ Counting animals(동물)You count fish or animals with "마리" ☞ 한 마리, 두 마리, 세 마리...Q. 강아지와 고양이는 총 몇 마리에요?A. 두 마리예요…
Jiyoung | 04-11 | 16522
여의도 벚꽃 축제 Citizens who have visited the cherry blossom festival in Yoonjung-ro, Yeouido, Seoul, enjoy the springtime. The 2019 Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival will continue until Thursday, April 11. Cherry blossoms are blooming in cherry trees. Pink or white petals bloom in spring are famous. The flower language is 'innocence'. Cherry blossoms in Korea begin to bloom in early April. In other…
Dowoomi | 04-10 | 19948
Today, we are going to learn how to say months in Korean.In English, months has its own names such as January, February, March, etc., however, it is much simpler in Korean.Basically, we put [number + 월(month)] in Korean. 숫자 + 월 = Complete 1 일월 2 이월 3 삼월 4 사월 5 …
Jiyoung | 04-07 | 17875
호랑이도 제 말하면 온다. (ho-lang-i-do je-mal-ha-myeon on-da-deo-ni.) Literally the tiger appears when I am talking about him. Speak of the devil. 호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다더니! 철수야, 마침 네 얘기를 하던 참이야. Speak of the devil! Hello, Chulsoo, we were just talking about you. 자리에 없는 사람을 흉보거나 비방하지 말라는 속뜻, 또는 자리에 없는 사람에 대해 이야기하는 데, 때마침 그 사람이 나타났을 때 하는 말. Do not slander those who are not on the spot. This phrase is use…
도우미 | 03-29 | 20333
We always say about weathers in our daily life. Often, weather can be a good topic for you to break the ice. In this post, we're going to learn basic words related to climates and apply these words to form a sentence. EnglishKorean Fog 안개 Rain 비 Snow 눈 Sun …
clary | 03-11 | 16616
In this post, we're going to learn one word which has more than one meaning and also can make you speak more naturally when talking to native korean speaker.Today's word is '진짜'. Let me show you a short conversation. ▶ A : Hi, I want to tell you something! I finally got a job!(안녕! 너한테 말하고 싶은 것이 있어. 나 일자리 얻었어!) B ; Really? (진짜?)In this conversation, B is using the word '진짜' to e…
clary | 03-04 | 18590
From part 1~2, you'll learn basic words which describe body parts in Korean ★ English Korean Toe 발가락 Toenail 발톱 Arm 팔 Leg 다리 Thigh 허벅지 Calf 종아리 Knee 무릎 Ankle 발목 Forehead 이마 Cheek 볼 Stomach 배 ▶ &nb…
clary | 02-28 | 20404
In this post, we're going to learn body parts in Korean English Korean Body 몸 Head 머리 Hair 머리카락 Face 얼굴 Ear 귀 Eye 눈 Nose 코 Mouth 입 Tooth 이 Lip 입술 Hand 손 Finger 손가락 Fingernail 손톱…
clary | 02-27 | 17430
In this post, we're going to learn about names which you can use when calling family members or relatives. Grandfather 할아버지 Grandmother 할머니 Father 아버지 or 아빠 Mother 어머니 or엄마 Brother 형/오빠/남동생(*1) Sister 언니/누나/여동생(*2) Aunt 이모/고모(*3) Uncle 삼촌/고모부(*4) Cousin 사촌(*5) *1If you are a girl(or woman) a…
clary | 02-22 | 21876
HOW SO SAY 'SORRY' IN KOREANYou will face lots of situations that you have to say sorry when you are talking to koreans.There are two expressions that are used widely. The first one is '미안해''미안해' is used between friends or someone who is younger than you. There are of course, an exception. Like when you are really close with someone who is older than you. Second one is '죄송합니다''죄송합니다' is…
clary | 02-20 | 17719
한국의 전통 놀이 - '윷놀이' 'Yuch-nol-i' is a traditional Korean play. On the first full moon night in the lunar callendar, the whole family gather in the room and play this game. To do the 'Yuch-nol-i', you need a paper 'Mal-pan' (horse board) and 'Yuch', four flat, round wooden sticks that are flattened on one side. This stick is called 'Yuch'. The size does not matter. You can use it if it is not a …
Dowoomi | 02-19 | 22328
한국의 문화 - 정월 대보름 Tomorrow, February 19th is called "jeong-wol dae-bo-leum" in Korea. January 15 is the day of the full moon rising in the lunar calendar. This day means the start date of farming. On this day, Korean people mix 5 different kinds of grain and make rice. This is called "O-gog-bab". They also bite and eat hard foods such as walnuts and pine nuts. This act is called "Bu-rum-ggae-gi…
Dowoomi | 02-18 | 21869
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