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프로필 사진


Charotte Ecosti…
Date21-09-13 16:38 View9,823. Comments1.


Please let me know when I need to say 언니 to the other woman, not my real sister.
Thanks in advance.
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프로필 사진

언니 is a word used a lot among young girls. Basically, it is used between siblings. 언니 is the word a younger brother uses for an older sister.
It is also a word used for women who are older than themselves at school, work, or clubs.
However, it can sometimes be used in informal situations for women younger than themselves. Since 언니 is an informal word, it is not recommended to use it in situations where dignity must be respected.


To become a teacher

세계 곳곳에 한국어에 관심있는 학습자를 돕고 수익도 얻는 한국어의 선구자가 되실 선생님을 기다리고 있습니다.
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