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프로필 사진


Lily Stevens
Date20-08-24 16:35 View13,889. Comments2.


Do they use the same Korean in North Korea?
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프로필 사진
Sunny Lee (Professional teacher)

Basically YEs
But there is a unique intonation and dialect.
Also because two koreas have been seperated for more than 50 years,
Some words can be misundersood even between two Koreans.(south-north)
one example " 일 없습니다" means 'I'm ok' in North Korea, while 'I don't have anything to do'  in south Korea(which is rarely used)
Another point is that North Korean tries to avoid using English.
We (south korea) feel comfortable to use many english words in KOrean sentences (ice cream. computer, and many other sports or music words)
But North Korea tries to find their own vocab
So people who escaped DPRK need to learn English words in Korean language.

프로필 사진
Lily Stevens

고맙습니다. Sunny Lee 선생님.
Thank you for the kind explanation.


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