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프로필 사진


Ethan Justine
Date19-01-22 14:21 View24,477. Comments2.


When do we use 을 or 를 after the noun?
  • 페이스북으로 보내기
  • 트위터로 보내기


프로필 사진
유진 (Teacher)

Hi, Ethan Justine! Answer for your question: 을/를 is the object particle. And it's added to a noun to express that the noun is the object of the sentence.  For example, 유진이가 음악을 들어요 (=Yoojin listens to music). Here, 을 is added to the noun '음악' which shows that '음악' is the object of the sentence. If the noun ends in a vowel, 를 is added, and if the noun ends in a consonant, 을 is added. In Korean language, the particle plays the important role to identify subject, object, or adverbials in the sentence. Does it help you? :)

프로필 사진
Ethan Justine

It's comprehensive. I appreciate kind teaching. Thank you, 선생님.


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