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프로필 사진


Chatherine (Professional teacher)
Date21-04-27 22:18 View8,900. Comments4.


Jukkumi is one of the octopus and mollusks. The length of the body is about 24cm to the tip of the leg. There are densely rounded bump-shaped projections on the body, and there are several fleshy thorns around the eyes. Eight legs have 2~4 rows of suckers, and all legs are similar in length and are about twice as long as the body.

재료: 주꾸미 10마리

       마늘 한스푼, 손질한 깻잎10장, 미나리 1/2묶음, 양파 1개

       물 1/2컵, 간장 2스푼, 물엿 2스푼, 고춧가루 2스푼, 볶은참깨 약간

Ingredients: 10 jukkumi

         tablespoon of garlic, 10 trimmed sesame leaves, 1/2 bunch of parsley, 1 onion

        1/2 cup of water, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of starch syrup, 2 spoons of red pepper powder, some roasted sesame seeds

만드는법: 1. 손질한 주꾸미를 살짝 데쳐 익힌다.

            2. 익힌 주꾸미를 후라이팬에 물, 간장을 넣고 볶다가 마늘, 고춧가루를 넣는다.

            3. 손질한 미나리, 깻잎과 미나리, 양파를 함께 넣어 볶으면서 물엿을 넣는다.

            4. 야채가 익으면 물을 끄고 접시에 담아 볶은 참깨를 뿌려준다.

How to make: 

             1. Blanch the trimmed jukkumi lightly and cook it.

             2. Fry the cooked jukkumi in a frying pan with water and soy sauce, and then add garlic and red pepper powder.

             3. Stir-fry the trimmed water parsley, sesame leaves, parsley, and onion, and add starch syrup.

             4. When vegetables are cooked, turn off the water and put them on a plate and sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds.

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