한국의 위인들 (The great names in Korean history) - 유관순
유관순 (1902~1920)
Yu Gwan-Soon
일제 강점기의 독립운동가입니다. 1919년 3.1운동으로 시작된 만세 운동을 천안에서 주도하다가 체포되어 온갖 끔찍한 고문을 당했습니다. 서대문형무소에서 출소하기 2일전에 방광파열로 인해 순국하였습니다. 서대문형무소에서 재판을 받을 때, 재판관에게 의자를 던졌다는 기록도 있습니다.
She is an independence activist during the Japanese occupation. She was arrested for leading the national independence movement, which started with the March 1st Movement in 1919 in Cheonan, and was subjected to all kinds of terrible torture. She died from a bladder rupture two days before she was released from Seodaemun Prison. There is also a record that when she was tried at Seodaemun Prison, she threw a chair at the judge.
⊙ Learn Korean words
▪ 일제강점기 (iljegangjeomgi) occupation period due to Japanese imperial force
▪ 독립 (doglib) independent
▪ 운동가 (undongga) activist
▪ 체포되다 (chepodoeda) to be arrested
▪ 온갖 (ongaj) all kinds of
▪ 끔찍한 (kkeumjjighan) terrible
▪ 고문 (gomun) torture
▪ 형무소 (hyeongmuso) prison
▪ 재판 (jaepan) trial
▪ 의자 (uija) chair
Thank you.
It's so touching movie. We have to remember those great persons.