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프로필 사진

한글 읽기/말하기 연습 (Reading and Speaking Practice)

Joann (Teacher)
Date21-03-01 17:50 View10,997. Comments4.


Let’s chant “여우야, 여우야, 뭐하니?”, which is one of the childhood games in Korea.

"여우야, 여우야, 뭐하니?"

(Fox, fox, what are you doing?)

All: 여우야, 여우야, 뭐하니? (Fox, fox, what are you doing?)

It: 잠잔다. (I’m sleeping)

All: 잠꾸러기! (A sleepyhead)! 여우야, 여우야 뭐하니?

It: 세수한다. (I’m washing my face)

All: 멋쟁이 (What a cool guy)! 여우야, 여우야, 뭐하니?

It: 밥 먹는다. (I’m having a meal)

All: 무슨 반찬? (What kind of side dish?)

It: 개구리 반찬 (Frog side dish)

All: 죽었니? 살았니? (Are you dead? Alive?)

 It: 살았다! (I am alive!)


*Grammar: Verb ending -(ㄴ/는)다:

잔다 (be sleeping), 세수한다 (be washing face), 밥 먹는다 (be having a meal)

According to Talk To Me In Korean (, 

-(ㄴ/는)다 is the “narrative present tense form”. 

-(ㄴ/는)다 is most often used when speaking to someone who is NOT older than you AND with whom you are close, or when writing in a journal or reading a novel. 

You can see how this game works in this video clip (6:15) where popular Korean comedians play it to let kids know about childhood games in old days.


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프로필 사진
SarahLee (Professional teacher)

재미있어요! ^^

프로필 사진
Joann (Teacher)

그렇죠?^^ 이런 게임을 하면 재미있게 한국어를 배울 수 있을 것 같아요.

프로필 사진
Chatherine (Professional teacher)


프로필 사진
Joann (Teacher)



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