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프로필 사진

Making Korean name

Jillian Kim (Teacher)
Date20-10-08 15:19 View13,811. Comments3.


Hello everyone 

Long time no write, how have you been?

how did you spend this 추석?

today, I brought another fun picture for you.

let's make Korean name for fun!!

My name goes........ Jo shin bin 조신빈 which I would not like if this was my real korean name, but it's fun!!

why don't you try to make one of korean names? 

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프로필 사진
Jillian Kim (Teacher)

what's your name? please write your Korean name in the comment box!!
Mine is Jo shin bin

프로필 사진

Jo Joo Bin, 조주빈,
Good name. Thanks.

프로필 사진

Hyun Seo Kyo
It looks good. hahaha.


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