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How to say family and realtive relation in Korean?

clary (Teacher)
Date19-02-22 19:41 View21,877. Comments3.


In this post, we're going to learn about names which you can use when calling family members or relatives.






아버지 or 아빠 


어머니 or엄마












If you are a girl(or woman) and have an older brother.           You call him '오빠'

If you are a girl(or woman) and have a younger brother.         You call him '(남)동생'

If you are a boy(or man) and have an older brother.               You call him '형'

If you are a boy(or man) and have a younger brother.             You call him '(남)동생'


If you are a girl(or woman) and have an older sister              You call her '언니'

If you are a girl(or woman ) and have a younger sister,          You call her '(여)동생'

If you are a boy(or man) and have an older sister.                 You call her '누나'

If you are a boy(or man) and have a younger sister.               You call her '(여)동생'

● When your sibiling is younger than you(regardless of gender of yourself and your sibling), your sibling is your '동생'.


Your mother's sister is '이모'

Your father's sister is '고모'


Your mother's brother is '삼촌'

If your father's sister is married, he is your '고모부'


If your '이모' has a children, they are called '(이종)사촌'

If your '고모' has a children, they are called '(고종)사촌'

These are just basic words. Of course there are more names and more detailed names. But if you know all of the words in this post, it is enough for you to know the relation between you and your family/relatives :)

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프로필 사진

Thanks for sharing good and basic Korean words. It is useful to me.

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Thank you for reading this post!! I’m really glad it was helpful:)

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yerim (Teacher)

Family name is the most difficult in Korean.


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