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프로필 사진


Chatherine (Professional teacher)
Date22-02-04 14:19 View4,512. Comments2.


소개팅은 누군가 중간에서 소개해 주어 남녀가 일대일로 만나는 것을 말합니다. 소개팅이라는 말은 소개하다소개와 영어 ‘meeting’‘ting’이 합쳐져서 만들어졌어요. 한국에서는 친구들이 소개팅을 시켜주는 경우가 자주 있어요. 그래서 소개팅을 통해 이성 친구를 만나는 사람들이 꽤 많아요.

A blind date is a one-on-one meeting between a man and a woman who introduces them in the middle. The word ‘blind date’ was created by combining ‘introduction’ in ‘introduce’ and ‘ting’ in English ‘meeting’. In Korea, it is often the case that friends invite you on a blind date. So, there are quite a few people who meet friends of the opposite sex through blind dates.  


가:크리스 씨, 어제 소개팅은 어땠어요?Chris, how was your blind date yesterday?  

: ... 그게... 너무 예쁜 여자가 나와서 깜짝 놀랐어요.

Ummm... that's... I was surprised when a very pretty woman came out.

: ~ 좋았겠네요. 그 여자하고 다시 만날 거예요?Wow, that must have been good. Will she see her again?

: ... 그런데 사실, 그 사람은 제가 아니고 옆 테이블에 있는

      남자하고 소개팅을 하러 온 사람이었어요

      Ah... But actually, that person is not me, but the person at the table next to me.

I was a guy who came on a blind date with a man.

: , 정말요? 어떻게 된 거예요?uh, really? What happened?

: 한참 이야기를 하다가 이름을 물어본 후에 알았어요.After talking for a while and asking for his name, I found out. .

: …. 그랬군요.Ah… . That's right.

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