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covid 19 quiz

Sunny Lee (Professional teacher)
Date20-10-02 21:31 View7,968. Comments4.


Here are tips on 'How to keep Covid 19 away' from  Korean Center for Disease Control (질병관리본부)
Guess what words are in the blank(square) and Keep these tips in mind to stay healthy.
1 wash your hands with soap and running water at least for 30 seconds
2 wear your mask when you visit medical facilities.
3 cover your mouth with your sleeves when coughing.
4 do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth without washing hands.
For those who got the right answer, here is my love and prayer ❤
  • 페이스북으로 보내기
  • 트위터로 보내기


프로필 사진
Sunny Lee (Professional teacher)

The answer is
1 비누 2 마스크 3 옷소매 4 코

프로필 사진
Emily Sown

Good questions. hahaha

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