좋알람이 만들어지면?(If Joalarm is created?)
Yoonmi (Professional teacher)
좋아하면 울리는(K-Drama)
애플리케이션 좋알람이 만들어진다. 누군가 당신을 좋아하는 사람이 10미터 이내에 있으면 좋알람은 울린다. 그 앱은 또한 몇사람이 당신을 좋아하는지도 보여준다.
다만 누가 당신을 좋아하는지는 알려주지 않는다.
Cellphone app Joalarm(좋알람) is created. If someone likes you and they are within 10 meters of you, the alarm for the app rings. The app also shows how many people like you, but the app doesn't reveal specific details on who likes you.
(*울리다 to ring *알람 alarm)
1.형태(Form)----Verb, Adjective + ~으(면)
-조건이나 가정의 상황을 나타낼 때 사용한다.
(It is used to indicate a condition or a hypothetical situation)
2. 규칙(Rule)
Rule1(Verb, Adjcetive+으면)----If there is a 받침 at the end of the adj/verb stem
ex)먹다(to eat)-----먹+으면----먹으면
Rule2(Verb, Adjcetive+면)----If there is a no 받침 or If the adj/verb stem ends with a ㄹ 받침
ex)좋아하다(to like)-----좋아하+면---좋아하면
3.연습( Practice)
-시간이 많으면 세계 여행을 갈 거예요(If I have a lot of time, I will travel around the world) *많다
-비가 그치면 강아지랑 산책할 거예요(If It stops raining, l will walk my dog)*그치다
애플리케이션 좋알람이 만들어진다. 누군가 당신을 좋아하는 사람이 10미터 이내에 있으면 좋알람은 울린다. 그 앱은 또한 몇사람이 당신을 좋아하는지도 보여준다.
다만 누가 당신을 좋아하는지는 알려주지 않는다.
Cellphone app Joalarm(좋알람) is created. If someone likes you and they are within 10 meters of you, the alarm for the app rings. The app also shows how many people like you, but the app doesn't reveal specific details on who likes you.
(*울리다 to ring *알람 alarm)
1.형태(Form)----Verb, Adjective + ~으(면)
-조건이나 가정의 상황을 나타낼 때 사용한다.
(It is used to indicate a condition or a hypothetical situation)
2. 규칙(Rule)
Rule1(Verb, Adjcetive+으면)----If there is a 받침 at the end of the adj/verb stem
ex)먹다(to eat)-----먹+으면----먹으면
Rule2(Verb, Adjcetive+면)----If there is a no 받침 or If the adj/verb stem ends with a ㄹ 받침
ex)좋아하다(to like)-----좋아하+면---좋아하면
3.연습( Practice)
-시간이 많으면 세계 여행을 갈 거예요(If I have a lot of time, I will travel around the world) *많다
-비가 그치면 강아지랑 산책할 거예요(If It stops raining, l will walk my dog)*그치다
Than you. 선생님.
Michael Taelor