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프로필 사진

한국의 위인들 (The great names in Korean history) - 신사임당

Date21-05-31 16:35 View8,208. Comments3.


신사임당 (1504~1551)
Sin Sa-Im-Dang

조선 시대 중기의 문인이자 유학자, 화가, 작가, 시인입니다. 성리학자 겸 정치인 율곡 이이, 화가 이매창의 어머니입니다. 그림, 서예, 시 재주가 탁월하였고, 깊은 철학적 지식을 갖고 있었습니다. 또한 십자수와 옷감 제작에도 능했습니다.
She is a literary woman, Confucian scholar, painter, writer, and poet in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. She is the mother of Yulgok Lee, a Confucian scholar and politician and the painter Maechang Lee. Shinsaimdang excelled in painting, calligraphy, and poetry, and had deep philosophical knowledge. She was also good at making cross-stitches and fabrics.

✅  Learn Korean words

  ▪ 조선 (joseon) the coutry name before ROK and DPRK in Korean land (1392~1910)
  ▪ 작가 (jag-ga) writer, author
  ▪ 시인 (si-in) poet
  ▪ 화가 (hwa-ga) painter

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      It is a paid class with professional native Korean teacher with Zoom or Skype.

오늘도 행복하세요.
Have a happy day!

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프로필 사진
Evelyn Guestin

I watch this drama. It's so touching. Thanks.

프로필 사진
Linda Tones

I watched this K-drama. It's so interesting.

프로필 사진
Scarlett Jansky

Awesome person.


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