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프로필 사진


Aiming Tong
Date21-02-15 07:41 View6,998. Comments1.


Hello, My name is Aiming, I'm 16 years old and I´ve already finished my high school, I´m on my way of preparing to participate on a scholarship to study in Korea.
I´m an ambicious and hard working person. I can not stand unpunctuality and disrespect, those are escential things that make you a succesful person, and if you want to succes you should mingle with succesful people. But with succesful people, I mean,  people with values, people who do not judge by appearence, by nationality, by gender


프로필 사진
서순석 (Professional teacher)

Nice to meet you. We can study Korean together with thorough time management. Please participate hard.
만나서 반갑습니다. 한국어  한국어수업 참여해 보세요


To become a teacher

세계 곳곳에 한국어에 관심있는 학습자를 돕고 수익도 얻는 한국어의 선구자가 되실 선생님을 기다리고 있습니다.
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강사 지원 제목으로 메일을 보내주세요. 경력과 자기소개서, 연락처를 적어 보내주시면 검토 후에 엘코리안에서 연락드리겠습니다.