Greeting Oummie Date21-12-05 07:33 View3,700. Comments1. 본문 Hi I am Oumaima you can call me Oummie or May. I am looking for someone to teach Korean. Comments 황미선 (Professional teacher) 21-12-05 22:00 Hi. Oumaima Welcome ~!! Yeah.. I'm right here. I can help you. What about studying with me? Hi. Oumaima Welcome ~!! Yeah.. I'm right here. I can help you. What about studying with me? List
황미선 (Professional teacher) 21-12-05 22:00 Hi. Oumaima Welcome ~!! Yeah.. I'm right here. I can help you. What about studying with me? Hi. Oumaima Welcome ~!! Yeah.. I'm right here. I can help you. What about studying with me?